So I know it's a little cheeky to count this as TWO weeks but I am giving myself a GREAT excuse!
My two littles were SO SICK!
My British babes just don't know how to handle this dry heat weather!!
In fact, neither do I anymore!!
I usually wind up with something too!
Two hospital visits and three urgent care visits later...I think we may be on the mend!
Let's not mention the 20+ photo shoots I have had in the last two and a half weeks!
Well here is what we did this week!
My sister's lovely neighborhood had a an Easter egg hunt and she invited us over.
It's kind of become this thing..
We go over to her neighborhood for Halloween too (when were in the country of course)
My guy loves his Aunt Kimmie's house and the cousins that live therein!
My dude.....such a dude.
He loves his cousins SO MUCH.
He was totally enthralled with running around searching for eggs...
I couldn't believe when I saw this in his bucket when he finished!
My baby girl....she was not so sure what to do.
I showed her how to find the eggs....she found a few...then something funny happened.
Somewhere inside her squishy little head she figured out that things are in these eggs....
yummy edible things.
So she didn't bother to find anymore, four was enough.
She plopped herself on the ground and found, what I am sorry to say husband dear,
the delicious Hershey Kiss inside.
She ate not one.....but five and loved every minute.
Sorry babe...the American in her loved that Hershey more than Cadbury's.
Don't worry though converted me!
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